Sunday, November 29, 2015

DIY | Vintage apothecary posters with frames

Let’s proclaim this the weekend of DIYs - because that’s what it’s been for me. Lately I have been fully immersed in the DIY section of Pinterest searching for everything rustic, industrial, apothecary and steam-punk. That’s what the cold winter evenings are for, right? A big cuppa of Russian Caravan tea (my favourite from Whittard’s - see here), a little bit of summer reminiscing in the form of Stevie Nicks and the smell of spray paint and black soil under your finger nails. Today I’d like to show you my most recent project - these awesome vintage apothecary posters, all framed up!

What do you need?
✓ vintage posters (you can get these on the internets but I picked mine up from Paperchase & Urban Outfitters - they cost anywhere from £2.50 to £5 when buying on the high street)
✓ planks of wood (mine are from B&Q are the whole 2.4m plank was about £2.50 and one was enough for 2 posters)
✓ paint of choice (I used Rust-Oleum Chalky Finish Furniture paint in Graphite - click here - don’t forget to pick up a couple of smaller pots to test the shades rather than going for the big one straight away, trust me, it’s worth it!)
✓ finishing wax of choice (I used the trusty Rust-Oleum again and my wax was the dark one - click here - don’t skip this step because that’s what adds the lovely rustic texture to the paint)
✓ some vintage drawer labels (mine are from E-bay - click here - and they were £2.50 for 10, plus they come with screws too)
✓ glue gun (mine is off E-bay for £3.99 - click here)
✓ string
✓ old vintage dictionary (if you want to go the extra mile to make it super swanky)

Now you have your posters, you need to get the planks and cut them in the right size. I believe that my posters are the standard poster size so about 50cm in length should be just fine. I did 51cm just so there was a little edge to them. Paint them to your desired finish - I was going for rustic, slightly worn off paint. Glue the planks to the posters with a glue gun. Glue a piece of string to the top. Then measure the centre of the bottom plank and screw in the labels. To make them look extra fancy you can cut out your label from an old dictionary. I picked ‘optic’ and 'anatomy’ for mine! And voila, you’re done! 

I’d also like to credit Shaun for the incredibly professional mastering of the glue gun. Well done kid!

from Cityscape Bliss

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