Wednesday, December 30, 2015

LIFESTYLE | Post-Christmas update & nibbles on sale

Hello, hi, how was your Christmas? I hope Santa brought you everything that you wished for and more! This year it was just Cookie and me on Christmas Day and you know what? We had a blast. We ate loads (both - I was munching on chicken steaks, potato salad and an unreasonable amount of homemade jammie dodgers and Cookie - the little naughty monkey got a box of Applaws pouches from Santa and wouldn’t stop meowing and dribbling until I gave him one - or two), we listened to Christmas carols (we like the proper old school choir ones) and just lounged around all day. It was a blast! 

If you’re suffering from post-Christmas I-want-to-keep-on-stuffin-ma-belleh stress and are indulging in online sales with your feet up and your cat warming up your toes, Crabtree & Evelyn have a sale on (click here). And it’s delicious. Just so you know.
from Cityscape Bliss

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